CESA Europe Nuclear Energy & SMR Conference (ENES 2024)

Policy Watch
International Nuclear Power & Nuclear Fuel Policy Coverage

Operating in today's nuclear fuel markets means navigating a sea of uncertainty. Understanding the markets increasingly requires looking beyond the supply and demand fundamentals and focusing on the constantly changing and often tumultuous government policies and trade issues affecting the market. Several such issues are defining the nuclear fuel markets today, including:

  • Section 232 investigation in the U.S.
  • Negotiations regarding the extension of the Russian Suspension Agreement
  • Ongoing political transition in Kazakhstan
  • Japan's policy regarding nuclear power and reactor restarts
  • Nuclear power policies of China, India, France, South Korea, Spain, and Taiwan
  • U.S. state and federal efforts to support economically-challenged nuclear power plants
  • U.S. and Russian government inventory disposition
  • U.S.-China trade relations

This list is far from exhaustive but makes abundantly clear that government policy decisions shape the nuclear fuel markets today and have a tremendous impact on nuclear power and all sectors of the nuclear fuel cycle.

UxC's Policy Watch serves as a detailed, accurate, and timely source of information on key policy issues that affect the global nuclear fuel markets, including all the hot topics of the day. This online information source puts detailed information and analysis into a market research package that is right at your fingertips.

What Is Included in This Service?

UxC's Policy Watch includes comprehensive quarterly reports. Each report organizes the different nuclear policy issues into key topics, each of which is covered in a separate chapter.

  • Nuclear Power Policy takes a close look at the key policy developments - both those that support and hinder nuclear power growth - that impact the global nuclear power industry.
  • Front End Nuclear Fuel Cycle focuses on government policies related to the front end of the nuclear fuel cycle - uranium, conversion, enrichment, and fabrication.
  • Secondary Supplies addresses non-produced supplies, including government inventories in various forms, commercial inventories, mixed oxide fuel (MOX), and reprocessed uranium (RepU).
  • Nuclear Trade Issues focuses on trade issues affecting both the nuclear power and fuel markets.
  • Spent Fuel Management includes developments and changes in national policy decisions related to spent fuel management, significant milestones toward implementing established policy, and major decisions that affect spent fuel management.
  • Nonproliferation explains and analyzes nonproliferation developments as they pertain to the commercial nuclear fuel cycle to provide readers with an understanding of how current nonproliferation initiatives could affect commercial nuclear markets.

In addition to four quarterly reports, subscribers will receive timely periodic updates on key developing issues. Moreover, subscribers will receive online access to background information and updates related to key policy issues that affect the nuclear fuel industry.

Each UxC Policy Watch subscription also includes access to a comprehensive list of key relevant documents (including some that are not available on the web).

Policy Watch subscribers also gain access to all of UxC's policy experts who can help guide you through the maze of information.

Comprehensive Coverage

PW Cover

From the early days of the nuclear fuel industry to today, government policy decisions have shaped the way we do business. The governmental and public policy role in the industry remains an important factor in all components of the nuclear fuel market.

There are a multitude of trade issues unfolding in parallel today. The U.S. Section 232 investigation, Iran sanctions, the ongoing fight over the Russian Suspension Agreement (RSA), U.S. trade tensions with China, and Brexit are all developing concurrently and represent a sample of the key developments with the potential to radically alter the nuclear fuel markets. Indeed, the current nuclear market situation highlights how policy issues can have a tremendous impact on nuclear power and all sectors of the nuclear fuel cycle.

Our Q1 2019 Policy Watch report focused on the following topics, among others:

  • Resignation of the Kazakh President Nazarbaev
  • U.S. DOC revokes antidumping duty order on LES from France
  • Section 232 investigation
  • Russian Suspension Agreement
  • Brexit update
  • Nuclear cooperation agreements
  • High-Assay Low Enrichment Uranium (HALEU) initiatives
  • U.S. federal and state efforts to support at-risk nuclear plants
  • Spain's decision on energy transition and nuclear phase-out
  • France and UK nuclear power updates
  • European energy strategy
  • Bulgaria's launch of a Belene tender
  • Czech government's new plans for nuclear new build
  • Japan nuclear power and reactor restarts update
  • China, Taiwan, and South Korea nuclear power policy updates
  • DOE shutters MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility

For a full list of topics covered and additional details, please see our table of contents for the full report in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.

Why Purchase This Service?

Policy Watch's primary objective is to provide comprehensive information on and analyses of key nuclear policy developments over the past quarter. The goal is to examine how these various policy decisions influence the supply and demand side of the nuclear markets to provide specialized insight to current participants in the nuclear markets, including suppliers, utilities, government agencies, investors, and financial institutions.

Order Today!

UxC's Policy Watch service is available for immediate purchase. The standard annual price for this in-depth product is US$5,000. UxC is offering a first-year introductory offer price of US$4,250 to new subscribers. Additionally, discounts for existing subscribers of other UxC reports may be available.

Please see our product flier in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.

For additional information, please contact
Anna Bryndza +1 (470) 689-0611
Eric Webb +1 (770) 642-7745